
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


Orca Annual Fund

The Seattle School District is the largest public school system in Washington. It contains 97 schools and serves about 45,000 students. Unfortunately, every year the Parent-Teacher-Student Associations have to raise money on their own to keep programs, retain teachers and support staff, and safe-guard things once believed to be inextricably linked to proper public education, such as a school library, or textbooks! From the Orca Annual Fund website:

A diverse and creative education is what you love about Orca. Yet each year public funding declines and programs that are essential to this well-rounded education are no longer supported. Music and arts, a well-stocked library, and outdoor education would not exist if Orca relied solely on public funding. They will only survive because of contributions from our community.

Kate's school is setting out to raise $40,000. This is the first year Kate and her classmates have not done some sort of outdoor education program. Because of the move to a new building, this is the second year the students will not have their award-winning student garden available to them. I know many of you know Kate and think she's as swell as I do. If you're part of Kate's gainfully employed, childless Internet friends and family, this one goes out to you. If you're in a position to make a tax-deductible donation to her school Kate and her fellow Orca students would be extremely grateful. No donation is too small. I know many of you have your own families facing similar challenges so this will be the only time I mention it.


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