
Discolor Online

Weblog of the sweetest person you never want to piss off.


The Game Gallery?

The Game Gallery geeks
The Game Gallery geeks,
originally uploaded by Nikchick.
I had the Flexcar this morning and dropped Kate off at school on my way out to do other errands. As I pulled out onto Rainier Avenue in Columbia City I was nonplussed (and briefly excited) to see that the Columbia City Gallery seemed to have become, overnight, a game store. Through the window I could see people inside playing games and all the usually game accoutrements (fantasy posters, light-up Magic: the Gathering signs).

Quickly, though, I clicked to the fact that the people moving around in front of the unusually crowded store (a game store, crawling with gamers at 9:00am on a Monday morning?!) were not moving into the store or setting it up, but were filming something. The giant light, diffusers, green sheets, and guys walking around with cameras were a clue. I can only claim caffeine deficiency for the fact that I was as slow on the uptake as I was.

After running my errands, I swung the car back past the "Game Gallery" and snapped a few photos from across the street. I wonder what they're filming... the Magic logo was so prominent, I'm wondering if it could be a commercial for Magic or something. I'll have to keep my eyes open for the "Game Gallery" to make an appearance somewhere... meanwhile, there are still no game stores in our area.


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